Wednesday, August 14, 2013

25Hari25Tulisan #10 One of James And Lily's Fights

Hari 10
Tema: Ayah vs Ibu

Lily was annoyed, yet by another prank James pulled on her. This time, fortunately, it did not involve spiders or pumpkin juice flying across the room. But on the bad side, James now tried to get through her by scaring the crap out of her. Last night, she found a head, a severed head, lying on her pillow when she went to bed after a boring meeting with Professor Slughorn. Worse, it was James' head, grinning sheepishly at her. She could wake the entire Hogwarts by her eardrum-ripping howl. But just then, she knew who to blame. Who else would go through all the trouble of learning the complicated partial-apparation spell just to prank fellow students? Worst case, they could lost whatever part of their body they tried to send away. Only James Potter (and maybe his sidekick Sirius Black) would do that.

So when all Gryffindor students went down for breakfast the following day, Lily confronted James (who has pulled his head back shortly after seeing Lily freaked out) in the Great Hall.

"What do you think you're doing?" said Lily with deadly tone.
"Mm, eating herring pie?" said James indifferently, holding a mouthful of herring pie.
"I meant what the hell with the head?!!"
"Jeez, Evans, watch your language. A prefect should not do anything inappropriate like saying rude words, should they? Oh, and my head's perfectly good, and handsome, thank you." Said James, and he grinned. That annoying grin made Lily wants to punch him squarely in the eyes.
"Do not ever think I'm impressed with your partial apparition spell, Potter! You just lost 10 points for pranking, and I'm so gonna report this to McGonagall!"
"Aw, he spent hours practicing for that partial apparition, Evans, can't you show a teeny bit of appreciation, instead of getting him another detention?" said Sirius Black with that same grin of James'.
"None of your business, Black, and why did not he spent that hours finishing his Potion essays, instead of wasting it planning pranks?"
"Easy, Miss Evans the Great, i have finished them, if you wonder, thanks for Remus here, and if you wanna report me, please go on. I'm sure McGonagall will add 10 points for my perfect partial apparition. No one has mastered it yet, not even Remus, not even you." And yet, another horrible grin.

Despite how annoyed she was, Lily had to admit he's right. She had practiced the partial apparition for weeks, but all she could do was turning her brows golden. She did not want James to get all the appreciation from McGonagall. So she walked away with a frown.

"If you want, I can show you how to do it!" shouted James behind her back. She stopped and turned.
"Maybe on next Hogsmeade trip? Just you and me?" said James loudly with hopeful eyes.
"You wish, Potter! I'd rather be kissed by Giant Squid than going out with you!" said Lily. And she carried on walking away. "I wonder what makes him so convinced I could fall for him, when all his did was making me feel like crap!" mouthed Lily.

Harry turned the pages of Lily's journal from her Hogwarts days. There's plenty about James there, mostly about their fights. And Harry could not help but smile. He missed his parent.


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