Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Iseng-iseng berhadiah
hari ini natal. hari ini libur. hari ini saya ga da kerjaan :)
jadi saya iseng mencoba-coba stetoskop saya, saya tempelin sana-sini.
di daerah dada, saya mendengar dentuman berirama yang cukup keras. Iramanya lambat saat saya menghembuskan napas, dan bertambah cepat saat saya menarik napas. dentumannya mantap dan kuat.
di daerah perut kiri, saya mendengar suara-suara tidak beraturan. Kadang berdesir, kadang mengetuk-ngetuk, kadang suara kerucuk seperti air mengalir. suara-suaranya lembut dan berdesir-desir.
di daerah leher, saya mendengar dentuman serupa dengan di dada, hanya saja lebih lemah. Namun sama mantapnya dan sama beriramanya.
di daerah punggung bawah, saya tidak mendengar apa-apa. begitu pula di kepala. Hanya kresek-kresek tak jelas.
semua suara itu membuat saya tersenyum-senyum sendiri. Betapa bersyukurnya saya punya jantung yang berdetak, detakannyalah yang bertanggung jawab mengalirkan oksigen dan zat gizi kepada setiap sel di tubuh saya. Bersyukur saya punya lambung dan usus yang aktif mengocok-ngocok makanan, tanpa saya harus repot-repot mengocok sendiri. Kocokan merekalah yang membuat zat gizi bisa terpecahkan dan masuk dengan mudah ke aliran darah saya, siap memberikan energi bagi jaringan-jaringan. Bersyukur saya punya pembuluh darah, saya punya ginjal, saya punya otak, saya punya lemak (oh ya, saya bersyukur punya lemak, kalo ga saya bisa mengkerut macam nenek-nenek), saya punya otot.
"dan sungguh telah Kami ciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya"
jadi saya iseng mencoba-coba stetoskop saya, saya tempelin sana-sini.
di daerah dada, saya mendengar dentuman berirama yang cukup keras. Iramanya lambat saat saya menghembuskan napas, dan bertambah cepat saat saya menarik napas. dentumannya mantap dan kuat.
di daerah perut kiri, saya mendengar suara-suara tidak beraturan. Kadang berdesir, kadang mengetuk-ngetuk, kadang suara kerucuk seperti air mengalir. suara-suaranya lembut dan berdesir-desir.
di daerah leher, saya mendengar dentuman serupa dengan di dada, hanya saja lebih lemah. Namun sama mantapnya dan sama beriramanya.
di daerah punggung bawah, saya tidak mendengar apa-apa. begitu pula di kepala. Hanya kresek-kresek tak jelas.
semua suara itu membuat saya tersenyum-senyum sendiri. Betapa bersyukurnya saya punya jantung yang berdetak, detakannyalah yang bertanggung jawab mengalirkan oksigen dan zat gizi kepada setiap sel di tubuh saya. Bersyukur saya punya lambung dan usus yang aktif mengocok-ngocok makanan, tanpa saya harus repot-repot mengocok sendiri. Kocokan merekalah yang membuat zat gizi bisa terpecahkan dan masuk dengan mudah ke aliran darah saya, siap memberikan energi bagi jaringan-jaringan. Bersyukur saya punya pembuluh darah, saya punya ginjal, saya punya otak, saya punya lemak (oh ya, saya bersyukur punya lemak, kalo ga saya bisa mengkerut macam nenek-nenek), saya punya otot.
"dan sungguh telah Kami ciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya"
2011, well yeah
lone New Year's eve at beranda kosan with qoqon, watched some fireworks in distant, ate some spaghetti and nutrijell. Finished my first "serious" research proposal, it was about "Hubungan Kebiasaan Kurang Tidur pada Remaja dengan Prevalensi Obesitas" or something like that. and holidayyyy ay ay ay. cant recall what i did then tho :p
Began my second semester in Medschool with Cell and Genetics. Finally, i've come to Basic Medical Science modules, after all those nye nye nye MPKT thingy ^^. and got a very good mark on first Medscience exam. But i shouldnt very happy then, since my marks were going down afterwards T,T i really wish i could get A sometimes again :")
I became PJ dana of an event. and that was my first and only time being one so far. For me, who hardly ever doing money-business, such responsibility is not easy to handle. but then i thought i gotta do my best. so i sacrificed my precious after-subuh time to went to Senen and bought some snacks to be sold on campus. i also brought a heavy-bucket filled by kacang ijo drink in glasses, my friends favourite which i sold 5000 per glass :3 really, that was my hard but worth-remembered time, being a pj dana :D
what else come in april aside second 17th birthday!yay! :D my mum and sissy come to kost especially to deliver my birthday present ^^ (un)fortunately, that day i was also having my second exam of biomol module. -_- after exam, i went on trying my first sushi, and when i arrived kost on evening, there laid a package on my window: a birthday present from someone i never expected! wohoo. and in the end of the month when i visited my friends in bandung, they prepared a surprise-party for me. how sweet :")
well, nothing special happened in may. oh there is! this month i got my first anatomy labwork on neuroscience module. huhu...the formalin smell is awful, but still i was amazed by how such wrinkled brains and nerve cords can control every little aspect of my body :") i was disappointed of my exam marks. yet i am thankful i didnt have to join the remedial which was held in holiday :D
Officially accepted in some students bodies: FSI and Senat Mahasiswa. new responsibility, new friends, and welcome to real-real world of medstudent :)
long long long looooooooooooong holiday it was. if i remember correctly, i went to jakarta and went home straight afterwards for 3 or 4 times during holiday; for research, bidikmisi training, and david Archuleta concert! yeay! the concert was super amazing and super unforgettable. and that was my first time back to kost on 2 am :3 and i also had my first motorcycling on Malang main road- and bumped on a stranger's motorcycle :)
Full Ramadhan at home, after 5 years not doing so :"") my very important Ramadhan mission were accomplished. met some old friends, and gee, they really have changed. afterall, this long holiday i am very grateful to be able to spend it in home, i talked a lot to mother, went to some places with father, and fell from motorcycle together with sister. haha. very fun holiday :D
Idul Fitri! Went all the way to Kudus with family, and spend quality time with my cousin-and-partner-in-crime Mbak Jek. She, who was a Japanese Studies student, thaught me some unique Japanese customs, such as how Japanese men consider Japanese women's neck sexy -ok some of them are quite unimportant to tell wkwkw- And in mid-september, i started my sophomore year in fkui with Tumbuh Kembang module :D i also stated some targets to achieve, which are: Get A in some exam, get scholarship abroad, and so on. I am now working on them :)
Busy month, really really busy that i didnt even have time to send dinqoy birthday present :( and this month i lost my lovely cellphone. huhuhu. good thing is, mum bought me new Android cellphone. Bad thing is, 3 weeks later i also lost it in Kopaja. What a month. and until now i am still using my Dad's cellphone hehe. Want to buy new one, but dont know when and what :)
I challenged myself even further by joining fkui 2010 dance club. and unexpectedly, it was FUN! i also make some new friends from that club, some friends who are beautiful and fun to spend time with :) and i finished my research validation ^^v what else? hmm, oyeah i got really bad mark on first Dermatology exam. Strange, since i felt like i was doing the test happily -what's the correlation eh- but dermatology is fun, i even consider being a dermatologist in later life instead of cardiologist :) just lets see what will happen :D
hard to tell hehe. Many happy things happened: i finally met my long-time-no-see highscool friends in Roadshow IAIC. They were doing good. seemed like most of them have new activities to enjoy which turn their heads from relationship thingy -oyeah most couple i knew has already broke up- not that i am happy they broke up, i them more when they are like this: busy with some fun and useful activities : marching band, capoeira, community service, language course, ... ^^ In december, i also had my first "police-encounter-experience". he got me and aspe riding motorcycle in BSD without wearing helmet. haha. sorry mr police, i promise i will be more careful later :)
lone New Year's eve at beranda kosan with qoqon, watched some fireworks in distant, ate some spaghetti and nutrijell. Finished my first "serious" research proposal, it was about "Hubungan Kebiasaan Kurang Tidur pada Remaja dengan Prevalensi Obesitas" or something like that. and holidayyyy ay ay ay. cant recall what i did then tho :p
Began my second semester in Medschool with Cell and Genetics. Finally, i've come to Basic Medical Science modules, after all those nye nye nye MPKT thingy ^^. and got a very good mark on first Medscience exam. But i shouldnt very happy then, since my marks were going down afterwards T,T i really wish i could get A sometimes again :")
I became PJ dana of an event. and that was my first and only time being one so far. For me, who hardly ever doing money-business, such responsibility is not easy to handle. but then i thought i gotta do my best. so i sacrificed my precious after-subuh time to went to Senen and bought some snacks to be sold on campus. i also brought a heavy-bucket filled by kacang ijo drink in glasses, my friends favourite which i sold 5000 per glass :3 really, that was my hard but worth-remembered time, being a pj dana :D
what else come in april aside second 17th birthday!yay! :D my mum and sissy come to kost especially to deliver my birthday present ^^ (un)fortunately, that day i was also having my second exam of biomol module. -_- after exam, i went on trying my first sushi, and when i arrived kost on evening, there laid a package on my window: a birthday present from someone i never expected! wohoo. and in the end of the month when i visited my friends in bandung, they prepared a surprise-party for me. how sweet :")
well, nothing special happened in may. oh there is! this month i got my first anatomy labwork on neuroscience module. huhu...the formalin smell is awful, but still i was amazed by how such wrinkled brains and nerve cords can control every little aspect of my body :") i was disappointed of my exam marks. yet i am thankful i didnt have to join the remedial which was held in holiday :D
Officially accepted in some students bodies: FSI and Senat Mahasiswa. new responsibility, new friends, and welcome to real-real world of medstudent :)
long long long looooooooooooong holiday it was. if i remember correctly, i went to jakarta and went home straight afterwards for 3 or 4 times during holiday; for research, bidikmisi training, and david Archuleta concert! yeay! the concert was super amazing and super unforgettable. and that was my first time back to kost on 2 am :3 and i also had my first motorcycling on Malang main road- and bumped on a stranger's motorcycle :)
Full Ramadhan at home, after 5 years not doing so :"") my very important Ramadhan mission were accomplished. met some old friends, and gee, they really have changed. afterall, this long holiday i am very grateful to be able to spend it in home, i talked a lot to mother, went to some places with father, and fell from motorcycle together with sister. haha. very fun holiday :D
Idul Fitri! Went all the way to Kudus with family, and spend quality time with my cousin-and-partner-in-crime Mbak Jek. She, who was a Japanese Studies student, thaught me some unique Japanese customs, such as how Japanese men consider Japanese women's neck sexy -ok some of them are quite unimportant to tell wkwkw- And in mid-september, i started my sophomore year in fkui with Tumbuh Kembang module :D i also stated some targets to achieve, which are: Get A in some exam, get scholarship abroad, and so on. I am now working on them :)
Busy month, really really busy that i didnt even have time to send dinqoy birthday present :( and this month i lost my lovely cellphone. huhuhu. good thing is, mum bought me new Android cellphone. Bad thing is, 3 weeks later i also lost it in Kopaja. What a month. and until now i am still using my Dad's cellphone hehe. Want to buy new one, but dont know when and what :)
I challenged myself even further by joining fkui 2010 dance club. and unexpectedly, it was FUN! i also make some new friends from that club, some friends who are beautiful and fun to spend time with :) and i finished my research validation ^^v what else? hmm, oyeah i got really bad mark on first Dermatology exam. Strange, since i felt like i was doing the test happily -what's the correlation eh- but dermatology is fun, i even consider being a dermatologist in later life instead of cardiologist :) just lets see what will happen :D
hard to tell hehe. Many happy things happened: i finally met my long-time-no-see highscool friends in Roadshow IAIC. They were doing good. seemed like most of them have new activities to enjoy which turn their heads from relationship thingy -oyeah most couple i knew has already broke up- not that i am happy they broke up, i them more when they are like this: busy with some fun and useful activities : marching band, capoeira, community service, language course, ... ^^ In december, i also had my first "police-encounter-experience". he got me and aspe riding motorcycle in BSD without wearing helmet. haha. sorry mr police, i promise i will be more careful later :)
Friday, December 23, 2011
saling menghormati
hari ini, persekutuan anak2 kristen di kampusku bagi-bagi kue dalam rangka "menebar kasih natal"
menghormati, kuterima bungkusan kue unyu dari mereka dan tersenyum "makasih" :)
kuamati, bungkusan kue itu isinya 3 kue kering, dengan sepotong kertas warna-warni disematkan tulisannya
pas kubawa ke FSI, seorang senior menanyakan
"kok kamu terima kuenya?"
"lah emang gaboleh ya kak?"
"......ya....boleh aja sih, tapi kamu ga bilang selamat natal kan?"
"nggak kak, bilang makasih doang kok. lagian uda bagi-bagi ke seangkatan masa ga diterima, ga sopan dong"
"iya sih...." kakak itu menutup dengan air muka yang kurang yakin
kutelpon ummi, referensiku yang paling terpercaya soal beginian
"looo ya gapapa banget dong kak, asalkan makanan itu sendiri bukan dari zat yang haram, gapapa pean terima terus dimakan"
"gitu ya mi"
"Iya, lagian ini kan masalah muamalah, hubungan sesama manusia. kalo ibadah mahdahnya mereka tuh, baru kita ga boleh ikutin; Bilang selamat natal, yang berarti kita ikut merayakan, pergi ke gereja, gitu-gitu. Kalo bagi kue doang ya gapapa lah"
kemudian ummi melanjutkan
"Rasul mengajarkan kita untuk saling menghormati sesama manusia. Wong kalo anjing kehausan aja kita wajib kasih minum kok, ini manusia, pemberiannya ya diterima. Kalo ga diterima namanya kurang sopan dan kurang menghormati."
"jangan pernah merasa kita ini lebih baik dari mereka, Sekarang ini mungkin memang iya, tapi nanti siapa tau, mereka bertobat terus masuk Islam. kita ga layak lah menilai orang. Kita cuma berurusan dengan dia di dunia ini. Urusan dia sama Allah ya biar Allah sendiri yang menentukan, kita ga berhak menilai, apalagi menghakimi dan merasa lebih mulia"
menghormati, kuterima bungkusan kue unyu dari mereka dan tersenyum "makasih" :)
kuamati, bungkusan kue itu isinya 3 kue kering, dengan sepotong kertas warna-warni disematkan tulisannya
"GOD is LOVE. He LOVES everyone of us. Merry Christmas,2010"
pas kubawa ke FSI, seorang senior menanyakan
"kok kamu terima kuenya?"
"lah emang gaboleh ya kak?"
"......ya....boleh aja sih, tapi kamu ga bilang selamat natal kan?"
"nggak kak, bilang makasih doang kok. lagian uda bagi-bagi ke seangkatan masa ga diterima, ga sopan dong"
"iya sih...." kakak itu menutup dengan air muka yang kurang yakin
kutelpon ummi, referensiku yang paling terpercaya soal beginian
"looo ya gapapa banget dong kak, asalkan makanan itu sendiri bukan dari zat yang haram, gapapa pean terima terus dimakan"
"gitu ya mi"
"Iya, lagian ini kan masalah muamalah, hubungan sesama manusia. kalo ibadah mahdahnya mereka tuh, baru kita ga boleh ikutin; Bilang selamat natal, yang berarti kita ikut merayakan, pergi ke gereja, gitu-gitu. Kalo bagi kue doang ya gapapa lah"
kemudian ummi melanjutkan
"Rasul mengajarkan kita untuk saling menghormati sesama manusia. Wong kalo anjing kehausan aja kita wajib kasih minum kok, ini manusia, pemberiannya ya diterima. Kalo ga diterima namanya kurang sopan dan kurang menghormati."
"jangan pernah merasa kita ini lebih baik dari mereka, Sekarang ini mungkin memang iya, tapi nanti siapa tau, mereka bertobat terus masuk Islam. kita ga layak lah menilai orang. Kita cuma berurusan dengan dia di dunia ini. Urusan dia sama Allah ya biar Allah sendiri yang menentukan, kita ga berhak menilai, apalagi menghakimi dan merasa lebih mulia"
#pencerahan di jumat siang
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
popcorn yang enak
Pas roadshow kemaren, seorang teman yang baru pulang dari Singapur membawakan oleh-oleh. Sebucket Popcorn. hmm, dari kemasannya yang keren, popcorn ini kelihatannya bukan popcorn biasa >,<
bnar saja, pas kubuka sama adek, terlihat butir-butir popcorn karamel gemuk yang terlihat sangat menggiurkan. Coba-coba satu. eh, rasanya amat sangat enak sekali. ambil lagi, lagi, dan lagi xD
popcorn ini merknya Garrett. di Bungkusnya, tulisannya "Chicago Tradition since 1949". belum pernah liat di indonesia. dan kata si temen yang mengoleh-olehkan, memang Garrett cuma dijual di beberapa kota di bumi ini. Penasaran, akhirnya saya googling deh.
dan ternyata, harganya bikin mata belo (SGD 51 sebucket = IDR 350 ribu an). langsung merinding wkwk :D
bnar saja, pas kubuka sama adek, terlihat butir-butir popcorn karamel gemuk yang terlihat sangat menggiurkan. Coba-coba satu. eh, rasanya amat sangat enak sekali. ambil lagi, lagi, dan lagi xD
popcorn ini merknya Garrett. di Bungkusnya, tulisannya "Chicago Tradition since 1949". belum pernah liat di indonesia. dan kata si temen yang mengoleh-olehkan, memang Garrett cuma dijual di beberapa kota di bumi ini. Penasaran, akhirnya saya googling deh.
dan ternyata, harganya bikin mata belo (SGD 51 sebucket = IDR 350 ribu an). langsung merinding wkwk :D
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primadona popcorn |
Monday, December 12, 2011
tentang menghargai yang sudah sering
sering memang aku mengunjungi lagi Insan Cendekia. tapi kali ini terasa sangat berbeda.
barangkali karena kali ini aku bersama mereka. langit terasa lebih indah (padahal memang sudah indah), lapangan terasa lebih hijau, udara terasa lebih sejuk, mendung terasa lebih menyenangkan, dan hati terasa mau meledak saking bahagianya
-Roadshow IAIC 2011-
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