Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Hunger Games-The Tributes!

The Hunger Games is a game of fight to the death, held by Capitol. Every 12 districts in Panem should send 2 tributes, one boy and one girl, to participate in the Games. Over 24 tributes played, only one could survive and be the victor of the Games. For most of the people, especially boys and girls between 12-18 years olds, the Games, particularly the Selection of Tributes (called "the Reaping") is a horrible nightmare. If your name came out of the reaping ball, it means you only have few days left to live, unless you're ready for this day and have otstanding survival skills and strong killer instict. That's why Primrose Everdeen, a 12 years old from district 12, who have none of the abilities, very scared of the reaping. and the odds are not in her favor. Her name came out. While she walked up to stage with trembling, her sister, Katniss, shouted "I volunteer as tribute!"

Here, the deadly adventure of Katniss Everdeen began. She meets other 23 tributes, and fight for dear life ad Primrose's sake. 

District 1
is the district of luxury, where people there named their kids with weird names. From district 1, there are Marvel and Glimmer. They are courageous, and ready for the Games. Some of the districts are richer than other. 1,2,4 are the most powerful district and the victor of Hunger Games usually come from these districts. Therefore Marvel and Glimmer are very confident of winning the Games. as a weapon, Marvel carried spear and Glimmer chose bow and arrows, despite the fact she's not handy with it. They died with horrific end, especially Glimmer. She's stung by a nestfull of tracker-jacker wasps, and died with terrible lumps and oozing pus all over her body. Marvel, well he died shot by Katniss' arrow right after he threw a spear to Rue, which also ended her. 

Disrict 2
is the district of Masonry, where people raised their kids to be victors of the Games. Kids from district 2 are killing machines, so killer-minded that they have they own cruel ways to finish the others at the Games. There's Cato, a strong-builded young man who rage around and bully the other tributes, well except for his Career packs (tributes from 1,2,4). he's so intimidating and harsh. i personally loath his outrageousity, but in the movie he's kinda good-looking :p. Ha carried a sword and several blades, and very skilled at it. And there's Clove, with her knive-throwing skill as lethal as Cato. They both are favorited to be the victor, but they turned out died horribly. Clove, her skull was cracked by Thresh (tribute from 11), and Cato, i think his end is the most horrific of all. He was chased and chewed to death by a pack of Wolf-like creatures, whose eyes resembles other tributes. With his dead, only Peeta and Katniss left in the arena.

District 3
is the district of technology. the male tribute joined the career tributes and helped them setting out a booby trap for their supplies. he died in Cato's hand after his trap is exploded by Katniss.

District 4 
is the district of fishing. no remarkable tributes

District 5
is the district of .... (i forget). Here comes Foxface (not real name), a clever tribute. she's sneaky and always very toughtful of her move. and because she's outsmarted most of other tributes, she's able to make it into the big 4 tributes left (Katniss, Peeta, Cato, her). She died after swallowing some nightlocks, very poisonous berries, while stalking Peeta in the woods. 

District 6
is the district of transportation. no remarkable tributes

District 7
is the district of lumber and paper. no remarkable tributes

District 8
is the district of textiles. no remarkable tributes.

District 9
is the district of grain. no remarkable tributes

District 10
is the district of livestock. no remarkable tributes

District 11
is the district of agriculture. There's Thresh, a big strong-build young man, and Rue, a tiny, smart, and light-footed girl. she's the smallest and youngest tribute in the Games, yet she made it so far because she can jump   amongst trees and very difficult to catch. Being from 11, she also has useful knowledge about edible plants in the woods. She allied with Katniss after saved her life, and teach her a mockingjay melody so that they wont lost each other. She died of a spear thrown by Marvel, but Katniss made her dead unfergettable by decorating her body with flowers and sing her a beautiful lullaby. Thresh also survived till the big 5, he also helped Katniss when she was attacked by Clove. He cracked Clove's head, and by that he paid his debt to Katniss for Rue's sake. It doesnt clear how he died, most likely killed by Cato.

District 12
is the district of Coal-mining. Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, comes from 12 volunteering for her sister. She is very skilled in archery, and although at first didnt got bow and arrows, she took Glimmer's. She's also the survivor type, she can hunt and fish and forage, so that she doesnt have any problem with food in the arena. She can climb high, and that was what saved her from the carees tributes because they're so big they cant climb. Meanwhile, Peeta is a kind-hearted guy who happened to be in love with Katniss for years, but never told her (even never talked to her) until the Games. He's strong, can lift heavy loads, but not good at hunting. He also very good in painting and camouflage, because of his duty in his family's bakery painting cakes. He packed up with the career tributes at first, because he wanted to protect Katniss (how sweet of him), and is slashed in the leg by Cato. Katniss saved him, and they both come out as victor of the 74th Annual Hunger Games after pretending to commit suicide together by swallowing nightlock.

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