Friday, June 29, 2012

tentang orang-orang

Datang dan pergi

Beberapa hanya teman untuk senang-senang
Yang lainnya bahkan menertawakan di belakangmu

Tidak mudah ya mencari sahabat, mencari orang yang bisa diandalkan saat susah, mencari orang yang memahami tangis dalam senyummu dan luka di balik tawamu. 

Makanya, jangan menyakiti teman-temanmu. Sulit dapetnya.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kata dia ini bijak (part2)

another twitter conversation
@shabrinarasyiq: why pretty girls often end up with ugly boys? some say that woman sees man not from the face, but the heart, the attitude. in the other way, man is the visual one, he cares abt the looks

and the sotoy me replied:
"@shabrinarasyiq girls like goodlooking guys, but women like caring and gentle men :)" >how sotoy
but unexpectedly, my above tweet received many  retweets .__.

@shabrinarasyiq: @cimuthia hemm.. kalau gitu gue masih girl dong. soalnya sampai sekarang gue blm bisa melogikakan kalo ngeliat temen2 gue yg kayak gitu :'(

"@shabrinarasyiq nah, we're not girls, but not yet women :)" > this!

and @shabrinarasyiq: @cimuthia mu super bijak deh :')

entah sejak kapan, diriku mulai suka berkicau galau begitu .___.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Beautiful Mess, really

You get the best of both worlds
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man, and lift him back up again
You are strong, but you're needy
humble, but you're greedy
And based on your body language and shoddy cursive i've been reading
your style is quite selective, though your mind is rather reckless
Well i guess it just suggest that this is just what happiness is 

Hey, what a beautiful mess, this is
It's like picking up trash in dresses

Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve, you could call it fiction
But i like being submerged in your contradictions, dear
cause here we are, here we are

Although you were biased, i love your advice
your comebacks, they're quick, and probably have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy
depending on how you take these
words i'm paraphrasing this relationship we're staging

What a beautiful mess, this is
It's like we're picking up trash in dresses

Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
kind of turn themselves into blades
Kind and courteous is a life i've heard
But it's nice to say, that we played in the dirt, oh dear
cause here we are, here we are
We're still here...

Oh, What a beautiful mess, this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "yes"

Through timeless words and priceless pictures
we will fly like birds not of this earth

And tides may turn, and hearts disfigure
but that's no concern when we're wounded together

And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
but it's nice today
Oh the wait was so worth it.

A Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz. Really, the melody and lyric are beautiful. But it is also a mess, because i still cannot figure out what this song is all about :p

some kind of phrases are kind of confusing, like "it's like picking up trash in dresses" or "your comebacks, they're quick" or "that we played in the dirt, oh dear". what does that mean? They played in the dirt? played what? or her comeback, comeback from where? haha. still cant get the meaning -__-
but i just like this beautiful mess. especially the part when Mraz sing >> "well i guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is". for me, its some kind of tongue twister. oh and the "kind of" parts is funny too. :D

what a beautiful mess, this is :")


oyeah i know i write a lot lately. haha.
So, today i checked my facebook account. and how surprised i am to find that i've been invited to a wedding: my facebook friend's wedding. and for your information, this facebook friend, who's marrying someone, is a 19 year old girl.

maybe you're wondering who's her, who's dare enough to marry at such young an age. nah, since she's just my facebook friend, (i even only met her once when i became MC in an event) i dont know that much about her. but that one meeting is enough for me to like her. She's so pretty and courteous. and when i know her name, i was like "Oh My, we are facebook friends lol" and she laughed. i dont remember who requested to be friend first, but i was sure i saw her name in my facebook homepage, liking my friends' status or photos. it's a small world after all, eh. and after that meeting, i wrote on her wall 'hey facebook friend, i'm glad we finally meet'. kinda strange how facebook can connect strangers haha.

ok, back to the topic.
seeing her marrying someone in so young age, i started to think about myself. i was in same age as her. will i ever see my wedding day? haha. i know i'm gonna be married someday, i will. but when is that someday? and most importantly, who's that someone to marry me? eaaa.

girls my age are so curious and dreamy about wedding. but really, thinking about marriage is....well...kinda depressing for me haha. i know i shouldnt think about marriage now, with respiratory module coming up and 7 modules to go and 2 years of clinical practice to be worried on. or could it be, wedding day might be sooner than i think .___. (not that i have someone in mind when i write this lol). but, no one knows when exactly one is going to marry, right? like me, i planned my marriage will be when i am 23. but who knows? it might be much sooner, or later, than what i planned it to be.

what i know for sure, is i want a nice marriage (of course, who doesnt lol).

Another dream comes true

lah iya, pertama tahu tentang konser jason mraz ini dari Kak Hali pas dia cerita mau jadi tim medis konser, pas kita fkui 2010 lagi kuliah empati di aula, inget banget. aaaa demi aps. langsung deeh browsing dan bener, konsernya 22 Juni which is minggu depannya. Harga tiket yang paling murah 420.000. Dan nyelip tuh di antara hasil googlingan, ada beberapa kuis tiket gratis. wa fixlah, diputuskan muthia akan mengejar tiket konser gratis jason mraz. Kapan lagi booo, ini ketiga kalinya dia konser di Indo, tapi pertama kalinya konser Solo, dan di Jakarta pula. kebetulan sekali bukan?

Nah, dengan gigih, selama seminggu ke depan itu gue nyari-nyari dan ngikutin semua kuis berhadiah tiket gratis, yang feasible untuk diikutin. dari google sampai twitter. ada yang diminta ngomen postingan web orang, ada yang diminta bikin pantun, ada yang diminta foto aneh dan bikin video aneh. nah yang begituan ga tak ikutin, soalnya males bikin video haha. pokoknya belakangan ini twit aye penuh deh pantun2 aneh demi konser jason mraz.

satu lagi bukti kegigihan berbuah manis. DAPET BOOO tiket gratis. 2!! wah langsung dah hubungin temen yang belakangan juga sering banget ngobrolin Jason Mraz. yeeey we're gonna go see Mraz singing live!! itu perasaan hoki dan senengnya ga terkatakan banget lah, udah lama ga merasa sesenang itu soalnya haha.

Nah pas ngambil tiket gratis, tanggal 22 siangnya, di kantor Cleo. ga ngerti juga itu tiket kelas apa, pas di SMS sama cleonya, dibilangnya sih menang 2 tiket reguler (paling belakang gitu)

nah pas udah sampe di gate konsernya (Lapangan D Senayan) kita ngeliatin tiket, entah bagaimana kita diarahkan ke pintu pemegang tiket......premium. eaaaa langsung seneng banget dan bersyukur lagi. ternyata menangnya tiket premium toh, ga nyangka banget. haha apa mbak-mbak cleonya salah kasih? tapi yaudahlah yaaa kita uda masuk ini.

btw karena macet Jakarta, kita baru sampe venue konser pas Mraznya udah mulai nyanyi >,< lagu pertama yang didenger sih "Everything Is Sound" dari album barunya. Nah tapi sebelum masuk kita musti nyari orang cleo buat minta stiker susah nyarinya, jadinya baru masuk pas lagu kedua, "Freedom Song". sayang banget ketinggalan lagu ini sebenernya, karena dari di mobil udah latian hoho. tapi yaudah, kita segera ambil tempat nyelip-nyelip.

Sial buat gue. Tinggi yang 156cm, all i can see is people's heads. sementara si temen yang 178cm, dia bilang "jelas banget gue keliatannya" -____- oo in a situation like this i wish i was taller .__. yauda agak ndangak-ndangak dikit, tapi lumayan keliatan kok Mraz nya, secara kita kan tamu premium (sombong haha).

Denger Mraz nyanyi live, bener-bener enak banget suaranya. ini dia lagu yang Mraz nyanyiin:
1. Everything Is Sound
2. Freedom Song
3. Only Human
4. Be Honest
5. Lucky
6. Make It Mine
7. The Woman I Love
8. A Beautiful Mess
9. Ain't No Sunshine
10. Unfold
11. You And I Both
12. I'm Comin' Over
13. Living In The Moment
14. Frank D. Fixer
15. Medley: Curbside Prophet/The Remedy (I Won't Worry)
16. Mr. Curiosity
17. Butterfly
18. I'm Yours
19. Bella Luna
20. 93 Million Miles
21. I Won't Give Up
(sumber: yakale gue nyatet dia nyanyi apa aja hahaha)

Gini ya enaknya kalo nonton konser, selalu ada verse yang berbeda dari versi studionya, banyak improve dan mainan instrumen gitu. keren banget daaaah. Overall seneng banget bisa liat Mraz live dan gratis :")

dari semuanya sih gw paling suka "You And I Both", lagu ini meski jadul, tapi menurut gue adalah lagu Mraz yang paling paling enak :") Sama karena belakangan ini lagi suka banget "A Beautiful Mess" jadinya ya menikmati banget pas dinyanyiin live depan guee. itu merinding gimana gitu deh, haha lebay juga ya gue. Beberapa lagu gue belum denger, misalnya yang "Unfold" sama "Mr.Curiosity" tapi enak jugaa. karena emang suasana konser itu membuat kita merasuk ke dalamnya (apaseh gue)

yang disayangkan, dia ga nyanyiin "Love For A Child" (nunggu banget padahal haha) sama "The World as I See It", "Geek In The Pink", "Wordplay" (lah semuanya lah pokoknya haha). tapi kesianlah ya, wong kita aja yang nonton capek, gimana si Mraz yang nyanyi nonstop :)

Konser selesai jam setengah 11an, rasanya cepet banget. untungnya pulangnya dianterin sama temennya kak hali dan Kak Halinya. XD

free tix :p

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Luck Level: 9999

Alhamdulillah banget, setelah kegigihan googling dan searching di twitter, suatu siang, saya mendapat SMS yang berisi:
"Hi Babes, selamat, kamu dapat 2 tiket jason mraz kelas reguler, diambil di kantor XXX jalan YYY nomer telpon ZZZ ya"

Langsung sujud syukur gueeee aaaa seneng banget nggak ketulungan. ini beneran hokinya serem banget haha. Terus yang lebih hoki lagi, saat ditukarkan di kantor XXX, taunya tiketnya bukan tiket reguler, melainkan tiket PREMIUM. which means, closer to Mraz on stage. aaaa beruntung banget ya, nggak ngerti lagi.

tentang konsernya sendiri, ng... mungkin di postingan lain kekeke

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to drive: my first time on the wheel :D

Yterday i was having fun (?) with a friend who kindly agreed to teach me drive. That was my first time handling the steerwheel, he should be able to tell the risk of trusting the steerwheel to me, who have zero experience in driving (the bom bom car wasn't counted haha). But he lent me his precious car anyway, how generous, eh? :p

The first time driving was not so bad. Here are the basics. (oh yeah i was using automatic transmission car with driver's seat in the right side, in this case, so adjust :))

1. The first thing you should do after sit in the driver's seat, is WEAR YOUR SEATBELT. even before you ignite the car, or even before you insert the key.

2. Adjust the rear and front mirrors, so you can see the right, left, and behind the car very clearly. and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Adjust the seat's position so that your feet can comfortably step on the pedals.

3. Look at the controls:
- the gas and brake pedals are both on the floor, with the larger brake pedal on the left and the smaller gas pedal (or we should say, accelerator) on the right. remember, you only use your right foot for both pedals. DO NOT USE YOUR LEFT FOOT.
- the steering wheel is the big round wheel on your front. you should know haha. turn the wheel to turn the car
- the lever on the right side of the wheel, is the control of turn signal. usually push upward to signal "turn left" and push downward to signal "turn right". After you turn, usually the signal automatically turned off.
- Another lever on the wheel's left, or usually can be on the floor between passenger and driver's seat, is the gear selector lever. It has P, N, R, D, and few numbers alongside the lever's track.
  • P is for parking. in this gear, your car cant be moved anywhere. and for safety reason, the key cannot be pulled off if the car is not in P gear. 
  • N is neutral, the car also cannot be moved, usually use it if you do not want to step on the brake very long, or in the stationary period for long.
  • R is reverse, to move the car backward
  • D is drive, to move the car forward. In this gear and R gear, even without you step on the gas pedal, the car is already moving in slow motion
- Also there's a parking brake, or hand brake, or because in the car we used yterday its on the floor, we call it "foot brake" (a term we both made up haha). in the far left side. It is used when parking.

4. Ready to drive, here we go. Release the "foot brake" by step on it deeply with your left foot (left foot is used only for this foot brake pedal). Push the brake pedal with your right foot, and start the car.

5. with right foot still pushing the brake pedal, move the gear lever towards D position, and release the brake. place your right foot on the gas pedal. even if you do not push the gas, the car will move slowly

6. If you want to move faster, push the gas pedal gently.

7. To turn, first turn the turn signal in the direction your car is about to move. push the brake pedal to slow down, and after about half of the car already pass the "turn", turn the steerwheel. while the car is turning, slowly reverse the steerwheel so that the car doesnt outturned (again, a term i made up). yay youre turning!
8. If you need to reverse, stop the car completely by pushing the brake, then move the gear lever to R position. release the brake slowly, and the car will automatically move slowly backward. always look at the front mirror to look at the direction your car is moving. Then to move forward again, stop the car first, pull the gear lever to D, release the brake. be very careful not to move the gear to R while the car is moving forward, or vice versa. You need to stop the car completely first. 

9. If you've arrived on the destination (i havent learned how to park, this is just the basic of stopping the car). push the brake pedal, move the gear lever to P, and push the foot brake/parking brake/hand brake/ you name it. :p nah now you can pull off the key. dont forget to lock the car before leaving your car. ;D

That's the basic. there are some important points you need to pay attention while driving:

1. The left foot is completely at rest. use only your right foot for brake and gas pedal.

2. always look in the direction your car is about to move. in this case, if you're turning, dont just look at the right/left side of the car, look at the front also. (this is what i always forget hehe). dont even turn your head at passengers beside or behind you, it is dangerous

3. Dont panic haha, relax.

4. in driving, you need a good spatial sense, to sense whether the car is moving in the right direction or not. sometimes you might feel the car is wide enough, but actually it's not, or vice versa. Inside the car, on the drivers seat (it is on the right side in Indonesia) i can hardly see the car's left side. So my passenger (in this case, the friend who kindly teach me drive) constantly turn my steerwheel rightward because i am unconsciously (?) moving the car too left-sided i might crash on the other cars parked along the leftside of the road haha. i think the car just will not hit that car, but actually it will, if the friend do not turn the steerwheel on that very moment :p

5. pay attention to your surroundings

6. be gentle with the pedals. do not push too hard, it will help you drive smoother. 

Actually i've also learned how to turn 180 degree, and that's difficult to explain haha. i miyself have difficult time on learning it, but thanks to my tutor i now can drive (although still on 20km/h average speed). hope i can learn again next time. you know, what's really important in improving your driving skill is: PRACTICE. experience is the best teacher, know that? 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

masih tentang korea

pernah sebelumnya, dulu sekali, saya post tentang demam korea. nyatanya sampe sekarang pun masih tetap saja indonesia demam korea. fenomena korea yang luar biasa merasuk ke sela-sela kehidupan kita ini rupanya membuat kesal beberapa teman. karena style mereka yang, anggap saja, "berbeda". katanya temen saya yang kesal itu sih: cowok-cowok cantik dan cewek-cewek centil. kenapa kesal? karena katanya berpengaruh sama gaya anak muda Indonesia sendiri, cowoknya jadi pada cantik-cantik dan ceweknya jadi centil-centil, tapi "cantik" dan "centil"nya itu maksa dan ga layak buat manggung.

Tentang Korea sendiri, saya akui saya bukan korea fetish seperti 90% dari teman-teman saya. Secara pribadi saya ga begitu suka lihat cowok yang dandannya kaya cowok boyband korea, kurang cowok gitu lho. masa cowok pake cardigan haha. mungkin saya iri aja kali ya, selama ini "fashionable" kan memang hanya disandang kaum wanita. Tapi ya bukan berarti saya anti banget dan mencela-cela mereka. Karena ternyata, tahukah anda perjalanan jadi artis korea yang mendunia itu tidak gampang.

Mereka (artis-artis Korea yang kita kenal) sebelum debut udah training bertahun-tahun, konon sampe 7-10 tahun. Jadi sejak kecil mereka memang sudah digembleng buat nyanyi dan dance. ga heran, vokal dan dance mereka (terutama dancenya) memang like no other. kadang saya  pernah juga sih iseng liat, yang cewek-cewek tapi. kalo yang cowok saya ilfil haha. dan mereka emang keliatan banget berskill. ga asal macam boyband dan girlband indonesia yang baru mulai menjamur belakangan. Debut tanpa training bertahun seperti artis korea, ya jangan samakan lah sama artis Korea :)

Lagipula, ga semua boyband dan girlband itu imejnya cantik dan centil kok. Ada beberapa boyband yang bergaya emo, atau bahkan nyentrik jadinya semacam orang gila (dandanannya haha). Yang cewek, ga semuanya centil. Ada juga yang bergaya gothic atau hardcore. Saya kebetulan lagi suka dengerin lagu 2NE1 yang judulnya "lonely". 2NE1 adalah girlband dengan imej cewek-cewek metal, dan suara mereka bagus. Lagunya juga enak didengar. Jadi saya suka. See? Asal enak ya saya suka. Ga lantas karena korea, saya jadi antipati. karena ga semua korea itu jelek. Pada dasarnya mereka keren loh, berani tampil beda dari yang lain. Being mainstream is too mainstream broo (hah yaiyalah haha)

Kalo dramanya, ini nih yang menjamur banget di kalangan temen-temen, ga hanya temen cewek, bahkan temen cowok. Pada saling mengopi film korea dari hardisk ke laptop. Nah, kalo film korea lain lagi ceritanya. Saya suka film genre drama. tapi drama korea, no. too cheesy dan kaya sinetron menurut saya. pernah coba nonton satu terus kapok ga lagi-lagi hehe.

Tapi ada juga nih tayangan korea yang saya suka: Running Man. Pasti pada tau ya, ngetren banget nih. Reality show gitu sih, ngeliatin orang kejar-kejaran, makan-makan, nari-nari. tapi semuanya sumfe kocak abis haha. dulunya saya yang ga tertarik samsek begitu diliatin satu episod sama temen, langsung suka. Tapi tidak disarankan ya buat yang lagi banyak tugas, bisa2 keteteran tugasnya karena emang nagih banget. Untungnya saya ga segitunya, cukup 2 episod sekali nonton. dan btw, baru 5 episod-an sy tonton. udah lama ga nonton running man. ternyata ga sebegitu sukanya juga sih, maksutnya ga sampe yang ngikutiiin banget gitu. tapi nice to watch aja lah, kalo lagi setres dan suntuk bisa bikin ketawa-ketiwi hehe.

Intinya, jangan terlalu membenci sesuatu atau seseorang, bisa aja lama-lama jadi suka. hayo loo ;)
2NE1, liat aje gayanya haha
f(x), suka liat bajunya lucu-lucu

tu liat aja, rambutnya aneh, matanya serem, ada yang rambutnya biru pula. kalo menurutku sih, kaya orgil hehe. tapi itu yang bikin mereka "like no other" :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mission (insya Allah) Accomplished!

Alhamdulillah banget, mimpi besarku pingin ke luar negeri insya Allah akan segera tercapai. Alhamdulillah, dapet kesempatan buat mewakili FKUI ikut Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) di ..... Malaysia. Bersama 4 orang temen FKUI lainnya. Tanggal 26-29 Agustus 2012. Insya Allah. Mohon doanya semuanya, semoga kesempatan kali ini tidak sia-sia dan aku bisa memberikan yang terbaik buat FKUI, buat Indonesia :") aaaaa seneng banget ga ngerti lagi. Allah Maha Baik.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Song About Home

93 million miles from the sun
people get ready, get ready
'cause here it comes it's a light a beautiful light
over the horizon into our eyes
oh my my, how beautiful

oh my beautiful mother, she told me
"Son, in your life, you're gonna go far
If you do it right you'll love where you are
Just know, that wherever you go, you can always come home"

240 thousand miles from the moon
we've come a long way to belong here,
to share this view of the night, a glorious night
over the horizon is another bright sky
Oh my my, how beautiful

Oh my irrefutable father, he told me
"Son, sometimes it may seem dark
But the absence of light is a necessary part
Just know, you're never alone, you can always come back home"

Every road is a slippery slope
There is always a hand that you can hold on to
Looking deeper through the telescope
you can see that your home's inside of you

Just know, that wherever you go
No, you're never alone
You will always get back home


93 million miles from the sun
people get ready, get ready
'cause here it comes it's a light a beautiful light
over the horizon into our eyes

Jason Mraz, 93 Million Miles
From the album of "Love is a four letter word"

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kata dia ini bijak

cause even the stars, they burn. some even fall to the earth. God knows you're worth it. No, you WONT give up :) 
gue juga meski pada bilang "Allah punya rencana yang lebih baik" "Allah lebih tau" dll. kecewa itu tetap ada.namanya manusia
gada salahnya kok kecewa, kadang itu bikin gue jadi tau apa yang bener2 gue inginkan. dan bikin gue penasawan untuk terus mencoba.
in the end, saat gue udah lebih baik (pasti), gue akan liat ke belakang dan bersyukur sekali gue dulu pernah gagal. ternyata itu baik.
there are wounds that cannot be healed even by time. tapi luka itu baik, sebagai pengingat siapa gue dulu, dan siapa gue sekarang :)
so, makan keripik paru 52ribu aja yang banyak ngen, lampiaskan, yang penting never stop, never give up :) 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Speak now

"Because the only words you'll regret more than the ones left unsaid, are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone
But i think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.
So say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. Or say it in a letter you'll never send, or say it in a book millions might read someday.
I think you deserve to look back in your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying "I could've, but it's too late now""

-Taylor Swift's Booklet in Speak Now CD-
Because you regret words you didnt say, rather than the words you said.

up until now

I've sworn to myself that i'm content with loneliness
because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bermanfaat buat banyak orang

Suatu ketika di FKUI, musim ujian.
"Gyaa, tentir minggu III udah terbit belum ya?"
"Soal 2007, uda dipost Mega kok jumat kemaren"
"eh, semalem nyimak sumatweet ga, katanya bakteriuria signifikan yang bener 10^5 CFU/mL"
"dok, boleh ngopi slidenya dok"
"mentemin KKD kamis besok ditiadakan!"

itu adalah celotehan yang tidak asing lagi bagi warga FKUI 2010. celotehan tentang SAP, Staf Ahli Pendidikan. tentang sekelompok mahasiswa yang sangat berjasa menyelamatkan kehidupan akademis mahasiswa kedokteran FKUI.

Apa SAP itu?
SAP adalah organisasi nonfprofit (enggak juga sih sebenernya) yang bertujuan membantu mahasiswa kedokteran berhasil dalam belajarnya dan ujiannya. Setiap angkatan di FKUI punya namanya SAP ini, meskipun beda2 nyebutnya. 2009 bilangnya siepend, 2010 SAP, yah intinya sama ajalah, orang2 sangat baik hati yang rela berkorban demi kesuksesan bersama.

Diketuai oleh Rhea, SAP FKUI 2010 yang berslogan "Berkontribusi, Berprestasi" ini memiliki 5 divisi:
1. SAP Tentir
bertugas membuat tentir yang berisi rangkuman  materi kuliah-kuliah, diambil dari slide dosen dan textbook. tentunya sangat berguna buat mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang saking sibuknya sampai ga sempet belajar sendiri, maka tentir adalah andalan semua mahasiswa kedokteran FKUI di kala ujian mengintai.

bertugas ngurusin KKD (Keterampilan Klinik Dasar), misalnya ngopiin jadwal dan panduan KKD dari pengurus modul KKD. juga bertanggung jawab atas jadwal KKD yang suka berbentrokan, SAP KKD menyebarkan informasi reschedule jadwal KKD

3. SAP Slide
Jelas, SKSD dengan dokter-dokter setiap selesai kuliah dan meminta kopian slidenya. Syukur kalo dokternya baik dan murah hati. Kadang ada juga yang keberatan ngasihin slide karena takut disebar-sebarin ke pihak luar FKUI, jadi cuma ngasih handout. Nah, SAP Slide menscan handout ini dan diupload di Mediafire angkatan :)

4. SAP Soal
Mengumpulkan soal-soal dari tahun jebot, membahasnya, dan mengkoordinir pengumpulan soal setiap ujian dari angkatan, buat diwariskan ke SAP di angkatan bawah kita. Bahkan sebagai bonus, setiap minggu Mega (ketua divisi soal yang kebetulan adalah teman sekelompok gw) mengepost latihan soal dari kuliah minggu itu, yang dibikin sendiri sama anak SAP soal. Baik bangeettzz

5. SAP Sumatweet
@sumatweet2010, gw termasuk pendirinya loh dulu wkwk. Biasanya pas musim ujian si sumatweet rame berkicau ttg materi kuliah yang akan diujikan dan tebak-tebakan singkat, juga jembatan keledai kreatip yang sangat membantu hapalan ujian.

Keberadaan SAP ini membuat gw sangat bersyukur kuliah di FKUI, karena tampaknya memang sistem seperti ini cuma ada di FKUI aja. Kalo di FK lain kayaknya pada belajar sendiri-sendiri, tidak ada lembaga khusus yang mengkoordinir seangkatan dan semua angkatan punya. Yah, pokoknya tanpa SAP tamatlah kehidupan akademis gw dan teman-teman sejawat gw! Thanks SAP, orang-orang yang baik banget, bermanfaat buat orang lain. Insya Allah pahalanya berlimpah, amiiin!!