Thursday, March 31, 2011

tired. just tired

sometimes i feel like guilty for abandoning my lecture. hey it seems i've been busier than ever. being pj dana, angtif fsi, pengurus senat, private teacher, and medical student.

for some reason, i feel like dont have enough time to study these days. despite the fact that my lecture(s) is getting more and more difficult everyday (and absolutely more exciting), God i rarely open up my "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology". i just bring it around, but dont have any will to read it in campus. moreover, my "moody mode of study" is coming back. i feel lazy.

i'm tired. hope sensyitif will be over soon. i have to study.

1 comment:

  1. waa smangat cimuth gue jg lagi sibuk2nya nih,dan diamanahi sesuatu yg blm pernah gue alami sblmnya.. smangat cims :D
